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About Hypnotherapy

What if you could wake up without anxiety? What if you could have a deep sleep?
What if you could heal old wounds and reoccurring patterns in your life. What if you could have a healthy relationship?

Hilda Mollenhoff Hypnotherapy can help change those old programming patterns and heal past wounds.  I can help you connect the dots and guide you on your path to healing.
What I do?  We do a deep dive into the particular issue you want to address.   I create a healing program specific to you.  I use age regression to get to the root cause, I use cording to heal old relationships, and I tailor my therapy scripts so that those old sub conscious programs can start to change.  I do mindset coaching to help you change this old pattern for good.


About Hilda

Hilda embarked on a her healing path when she started experiencing panic attacks, anxiety, and depression.  She took it upon herself to get to the root cause.   Hilda had endeavored many challenges in her life but this did not stop her from the quest to healing.   It is important to know this as Hilda lived it and healed from it.  She takes her experience, her passion, and education to help others realize their patterns and guide them into healing.



The below therapies are applied while in hypnosis. 


Applied while in hypnosis the sub conscious mind will hear new therapeutic suggestions to support the client in shifting old belief systems regarding their current issue.


Used to help regress to the root cause of the issue.   


This therapy is used to help heal current and or past relationships.


Sometimes a past life can inhibit you from moving forward in this life time.  This helps unblock old past life beliefs.

Body Syndrome Healing System

This system connects your body syndromes (pain, health issues) to your thinking and belief systems.  Included in this system is a chart and a recorded hypnotherapy for you to keep.  The chart reveals your beliefs that are linked to your health issues.  Sometimes we have unresolved trauma, trapped emotions, and belief systems that manifest into "disease".  They can cause so many health issues.  This system will help  "reprogram" those thoughts.  Email me to set up a consult and for more information.


Therapy used to speak to the sub conscious mind and the sub sections, or sub personalities that may be preventing the client from moving past their current issue.

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